Help us protect Wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin

There’s not a moment to lose! Donate now to help us buy, protect and repair precious wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible as Wetland Revival Trust is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).

Growling Grass Frog

Create and protect secure habitat for the endangered Growling Grass Frog.

Did you know? You might find me in your dam! I need still or slow moving water. Listen out for my call between August and March.

Donate to help us repair and protect precious habitat for the Growling Grass Frog.

Australasian Bittern

Create and protect secure habitat for the critically endangered Australasian Bittern.

Did you know? This shy bird stands nearly a metre tall!

There are thought to be only 200-1000 Australasian Bitterns left in Australia, and their area of occupation has decreased 70% in 30 years.

Donate to help us repair and protect precious habitat. for the Australasian Bittern

Grey-Crowned Babbler

Create and protect secure habitat for the threatened Grey-Crowned Babbler.

Did you know? I'm usually found in groups of 4-12. Females call out "Ya" and males respond "Hoo", creating our distinctive Ya-Hoo duet!

Donate to help us repair and protect precious habitat for the Grey-Crowned Babbler. .

Thank you!

We are thrilled to have secured the funds needed to purchase our first wetland reserve Wirra-Lo, a 180-hectare property in northern Victoria, which is home to more than 30 rare and threatened species.

There is still more work to do to restore and protect this precious habitat and further wetlands in northern Victoria and the Murray Darling Basin.

Wetland Revival Trust welcomes donations of any size to support our work.

Leave a lasting gift in your Will

Wetland Revival Trust has teamed up with Gathered Here, a leading Australian online will-writing platform, to offer you the opportunity to create a legally binding will for free, in less than 10 minutes. You’ll also get free and unlimited updates.

Leaving a bequest, large or small makes a lasting impact, helping us to achieve our mission to see high value wetlands, and their waterways across the Murray Darling Basin healthy, interconnected and providing high quality habitat for indigenous species.

Water Milfoil

Create and protect secure habitat for the nationally vulnerable Ridged Water-milfoil (Myriophyllum porcatum).

Monthly Donation

Make a regular donation to support WRT continue to work with Traditional Owners and the broader community to protect and restore high value wetlands, waterways and their catchments.

Other ways to donate

Direct Credit 

Name: Wetland Trust Donations 

BSB: 313 140 

Account Number: 12194774 

Tax Deductable Donations

Donations over $2 to Wetland Revival Trust are tax deductible as WRT is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). Receipts are issued automatically via Paypal. If you require a receipt for a direct credit, or for alternative ways to donate, please email us at

Ethical Fundraising 

WRT is committed to operating ethically in all aspects of our organisation which includes where we source our funding from.  WRT aims to make a positive impact on people and the planet. WRT fundraising targets ethical, sustainable business and philanthropists. We do not accept funding from sources that endanger life on earth including, but not limited to, animal testing, mining, fossil fuels, toxic chemicals, gambling, tobacco or military.

Revival Trust

Wetland Revival Trust is a non-profit landscape-scale
restoration organisation working with
Traditional Owners and the broader community
to protect and restore high value wetlands,
waterways and their catchments.