“I thoroughly enjoyed the course, the presenters were fantastic the whole program was very well organiSed and I can take away new skills, tools and enthusiasm for amazing wetlands”

BOOK NOW! 2024-25 3-Day Wetland Plant Identification & Ecology Course
For anyone interested in wetland plant identification and ecology.
Observe the changing seasons and water depths of the stunning Reedy Lagoon, Gunbower Island over a 6 month period. Each of the 3 days will focus on a different wetland habitat (wetting and drying) and associated plant community.
Other topics include
- Wetland ecology and management
- Riparian ecology and management
- Wetland monitoring and assessment techniques
- 5-day residential Lowland Wetland Ecology Course
- Wetland Ecology tour of Northern Victoria
- Management of terrestrial ecosystems
- Wetland and riparian restoration techniques
- Plant identification and ecology
- Managing rare and threatened species
- Unsealed road management and roadside vegetation management

This course has run since 2015. From summation of all past evaluations overall 100% of participants stated that the course was very good/excellent, with an average rating of 4.6 out of 5.
Fantastic introduction to wetland vegetation and ecology. If I can do the course and identify plants afterwards, anyone can! Greg Fletcher, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.
I found it useful to improve my general wetland understanding from which I can ask all the important questions of my consultants to check their reasoning in plans etc.
Strengths of the course were the inspirational style, group sharing/learning and field trips.
Excellent course thanks so much!
Great course. Damien and Elaine share their wealth of knowledge in an easy to understand and accessible manner.
I am now very inspired, thanks for sharing your passion and knowledge in such a relaxed and easy way. Linda, private landowner.
Thank you it was fantastic!
Damien and Elaine combined have an amazing passion and knowledge which is priceless to the rest of us. Alexander Lee, SPIIRE Landscape Architects
Very knowledgeable presenters with a wide understanding of wetlands across the state.